It started with a long plane flight from Honolulu to Providence via Newark. When we landed in Newark, Kathy looked around and asked where did those pretty mountains go? Where did the crashing waves go? What we saw was gas tanks, factories billowing out smoke and a dark and gray sky. So, I don't know anyone from Newark and maybe they'd be mad about my characterization ... but wow, based on a brief stopover, that is one ugly city.
Providence was prettier and the people were friendly. With the flight over, we remembered why we were there ... THE wedding of James and Carol.
Above, Carol walks down the aisle with her father, Joe. Just look at Joe's face. That smile never disappeared all weekend. He was more than a proud father, he was joyous at the union of two people who are the perfect fit together!

Time flew by and before we knew what was happening, we were at a beautiful facility on a spit of land that juts out onto Narragansett Bay waiting for the Rehearsal Dinner festivities. Kenny and Joanne were gracious enough to invite those who had travelled to the wedding to the Rehearsal Dinner. What a feast! The building, the food, the drink, the friends, the family, the entire evening was a feast to the eyes, the ears, taste buds but most importantly, to our hearts.
Above, Joanne and James dance together. By this time, he had given up trying to count steps and just relaxed and danced.

After the rehearsal dinner, we found ourselves back at the Biltmore hotel. My nephews were down there drinking and I thought I'd be a bad influence. Sometime around 3 am, we closed the bar and I helped my nephew Kenny to his floor ... or was he falling on the floor? I can't remember; maybe he helped me to my floor! Nahh!
Above Carol just radiates as she dances with her father, Joe.

I thought I'd do a good deed and shuttle my aged and decrepit parents to the wedding. OK, that description isn't even close ... but I did think it a good deed to get them there! We were supposed to have the GPS but it was up in the room. We were supposed to have a minivan with 6 seats but the back seat had been taken out so Krista and Tucker climbed in the back and sat on the floor!
The backup plan from MAPQUEST didn't know that exit 3 was closed for construction. It was a good thing we left at 2pm for a 2:30 wedding and it was only "5 minutes" away. Finally, it was a good thing that Barry followed his instinct and somehow found the Church with less than 5 minutes to spare!
Above, Mom and Dad, aka: the bionic couple (she with her knee and he with his hips) dance the night away.

The wedding ceremony was a bit long but the couple seemed to weather it well. In a few minutes, we were all gathering at the Wedding Reception. What a gorgeous affair! People all decked out in their best attire and the food was ridiculously fantastic. We dined on a splendid salad, fillet Mignon, and jumbo stuffed shrimp. I was half done and I was stuffed. The open bars were visited frequently and the tent-covered-dance-floor was stuffed with people who had made frequent trips to the open bar ... like me!!
Above Kenny (brother) and Kenny (nephew) give their best sedated smiles. Ok, that's my brother with a sedated smile but inside, he was bursting!

It didn't take long but I ditched my coat and danced a bit. Somebody picked up my camera (Kathy?) and took this shot of me, my sister Jeanne, and mom. Y'know, Jeannie looked fantastic all night long! She danced, she hugged, she kissed and hugged some more!

These three beauties have known each other for a bunch of years. Evy and Judy were bridesmaids at Joanne (center) and Kenny's wedding. To me, it looks like Joanne just got married yesterday. Time for me to put some toothpaste on Kenny's car door handle ...

Krista ... what a trooper! She arrived in Providence and they didn't have her luggage. Her luggage was lost by a rude American Airlines flight attendant. She was close to tears but somehow sucked it up and waited patiently and hopefully for the luggage to arrive at the Horton's house. Her patience was rewarded and the dress and shoes she bought for this wedding was carefully packed within.
Above, Joanne and Krista share a smile. I suppose I should have given the dress and shoes a shot but with smiles like these, who can look at a dress and shoes??
Just a few weeks after her knee replacement surgery, Mom/Nana/Ellie was happy, dancing and perfecting Cleary family hugs.

Above, my brother, sister (Kenny/Jeanne) and I enjoy hugs and a laugh.
Above ... enough words, the pictures speak for themselves ...
All too soon, Kathy and I found ourselves on a plane again winging our way back to Hawaii. The flights were quiet ones which seemed appropriate given the amount of smiles, laughs and fun we had for the few days we were in New England. That time seemed like only minutes that we had with our family and friends. Now that I'm writing this, it seems even longer ago ... I guess that is how time really works ... it is not the clock or the calendar but a function of the joys and sorrows we live through as we experience our lives. This was a very joyful weekend.
Great blog, sweetie......
Excellent photos and boy did that look like fun!! Thank you for sharing. And the Cleary bunch looks most grand. What a special time for all. Sigh.
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