Kathy, Krista, Tucker and I were very fortunate to have Gary and Ricia visit us from Northern Virginia. What a fantastic time we had laughing and joking around!
We enjoyed Kailua Beach Park where the water was warm and inviting.
What a cute couple!
We played POUNCE with Nino & Krista and surprise of all surprises ... Krista won! Ok, not much of a surprise ...
They came to Hawaii 25 years ago when they got married. They visited Oahu and stayed a long time on Maui. On their return visit, they stayed on Maui for several days and visited us for a few days that seemed like 15 minutes! Wow, talk about time flying by! We looked forward to their visit and bam! gone! But, that is the sad part of the visit and now we can look forward to the next we see them either in NoVA or here in HI.

We brought them to the winds of the Pali Lookout.
The jagged peaks beckoned. Maybe I'll climb this some day ... if I do and live through it, Kathy will kill me!

Tucker, Gary and I climbed the trail out the back of the house. Gary had hyper extended his leg playing an octogenarian the week before. He claimed it was a 30 something club pro but I don't believe him. In any regard, he was game and we headed up the hill.

Despite an injured leg, Gary practically raced up the hill.

Halfway up the hill, Gary asked for water. We had only one. Then he started giving Tucker and I grief for not being properly prepared! We all laughed.
Gary: What kind of trail guides are you? No water. No trail bars or candy bars? No band aids?
At the next rest stop, Gary looks out over the beautiful views.
Gary: Wow, what a view! Ahh Crap! Johnny-Jack, I forgot my camera. Can you take a picture for me?
John: What kind of tourist are you?

Ok, why is this pretty woman dressed like this and what is this guy doing?
We went to an overlook of Honolulu and as GREAT FORTUNE would have it, a dance team was getting pictures taken for a fund-raising calendar! The young women were gorgeous and scantily clad.
Gary: What a beautiful view!
John: I wish I had my good camera!
We had a grand adventure climbing through the volcano tube and watching the surf crash on the shore. We had a fantastic dinner at BlueWater Grill celebrating their anniversary. Gary kicked my butt in tennis (again!) and wanted to doubles against ... anybody. I thought I had hurt my back but it turned out that I was dehydrated ... no water, no trailbars, no candy bars ... what kind of a host am I??
It was an action packed weekend and somehow we also found time to relax. Unfortunately, it was over in a blink and we had a very hard time driving home after watching them join the throngs at security check in.
We miss you all and if you have not come to visit - hurry up!
Oh Johnny-Jack, I love it; just as you predicted. We did have a great time. Thanks so much for sharing your lives with us. We love you guys.
Tell Krista that I am working on my POUNCE game. I call for a challenge next visit- here OR there. :)
Hey Johnny-Jack,
Thanks for the pics, and we had an awesome time with our great friends. Next time you will play some doubles as I am the Tennis Whooer as Ricia said. Also, I will bring the water and candy bars and you take the pictures.
Love The Tennis Whooer
dear john,
please stop signing your photos with your email address, I plan to use them for my own profit and am unable to with your email smeared all over them. Thanks.
your nephew,
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