Saturday, July 6, 2013

Beaver Brook Trail to Mt Moosilauke

There are some really good pictures ... so this will be mostly pictures!

It has been a busy week for hiking. Last Sunday on the June 30, I was hoping Matt could hike with me but alas, he had a few other things to do. I knew that Donna and Rich were coming so I didn't want to do something where I'd get wrecked from some extreme hike. We can't have that now can we!

Mt Monadnock was beckoning ... not quite a bone crusher but challenging none-the-less. The trip was great! I took a round about trail named "Parker" something finding my way to the Cliff Walk and up to the top. I was happy to meet a man who makes maps of mountains and of course, I only asked if the connecting trail was up ahead and he proceeded as if we were in Alice in Wonderland to chat my ear off! Pretty soon I was at the top with 40 to 50 others. The trip down White Dot trail was fairly crazy. I got going a bit fast but was able to control a fall by landing my elbow in mud ... somehow it didn't hurt. The total round trip was about 5 miles. A few pictures of the Monadnock trip are below:

So, that was Sunday and on Wednesday, July 3 ... Newlyweds Donna and Rich, joined me on a quick hike up Mt Kearsarge ... the Winslow (north) side. They were running a race that evening so we kept it simple and easy. The trip was about 3 miles round trip:

Krista and I were thinking of doing a hike on Saturday, July 6 (today) but her work schedule did not work out. Matt had to work a game at Foxboro ... and that brings me to the title of this post: Beaver Brook Trail to Mt Moosilauke - yeah, I've no idea how to pronounce that! 
I knew that I wanted to do something high up but wasn't sure how challenging of a hike to undertake. I opened Google Maps and just clicked on a few peaks and found this one. I found a write up here:  This hike is 7.6 miles round trip while climbing up to 4,802 feet. The astounding part for me is hiking up 3,000+ feet ... speaking of feet - they hurt right now!
 In case you can't read it, it says: "THIS TRAIL IS EXTREMELY TOUGH"

 The cascading waterfalls seemed to never end! I kept climbing and climbing and sure enough, another waterfall. I would have more pictures but rain started drumming down and I had to get going to the top.

 The pathway was littered with these pretty flowers.

 Near the top, the trees disappeared and the rocky path awaits.

 The summit.

I like the sound of water in a stream or the ocean pounding on the surf. Below is a short clip of the waterfalls at Beaver Brook cascades.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I have no idea which photo would be my favorite! Love the falls, of course, but you did some great work on all parts of your hiking. Thanks for sharing, including the sound of running water!!