Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Most Active Crew

Donna, Preston, Gilliam and Rich came to visit a week ago. They get the prize! They are the most active crew to visit us so far. Wow, these folks were up at the crack of dawn even after they adjusted to the time zone. I think the 2nd or 3rd day they were here they raced down and up a muddy trail as part of the Hawaiian Ultra Runing Team ... yeah, that spells HURT! Would you do that? I wouldn't, but they did. They came back muddy and worn out ... ok, almost worn out as it seemed like they were up and doing something else that very afternoon.

After much effort, we got them to relax a little and go to the beach. Below is Rich coming out of the water and Donna is reading.

We climbed the ridge behind the house and then they climbed it several more times! The boys climbed up Shark's Tooth as well. It was windy up there. In the distance in the picture below, you can see our destination.

Donna grips on to Rich to ensure she doesn't fall off.

Each night, I'd come home from work and be enthralled with their descriptions of their day. Hiking here or the Arizona there. Then we'd play MarioCart or the Wii or a board game. Rich was generally asleep by 8:30 ...
On Saturday, we went to what is fast becoming my favorite Oahu hike, Palolo Valley. We hiked 5 of the 7 waterfalls and they were flowing nicely. Below Preston uses a rope to make his way down a cascading waterfall.
Donna edges her way to the base of the waterfall.

Preston takes Gilliam's picture as he wades acroos the pool of the 2nd waterfall.
Preston and Gilliam start up the first set of cascading waterfalls.
Rich brought to light a new term for me ... scurry! The sisters have always moved fast but the term scurry really covers what they do. To see them in a kitchen is like watching chipmunks scurry about. I'll certainly use that term when Cindy comes to visit in a few weeks.
Below, they ham it up by the palm trees.

It was a great visit and always great to see family. Donna also wins the prize as our first "return visitor" ... not that we were counting but she was! We were very happy to have her and the family come out ... you too Rich!

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