Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Amanda, Laura and Lauren Visit

The planning seemed to take months and the time they were here seemed to fly by. Funny how that works! It seems like that for everything as we mark our time on earth with events and anticipation of events.

The girls from NoVA (Northern Virginia) arrived and suddenly they became 4 girls from NoVA visiting Oahu. It was as if they weren't apart for the last year.

They explored around to nightclubs and bars and did the Luau thing. There was lots of laughter and fun that enlivened the house. We ate dinner together often and their company was fantastic. We played games but they were too competitive for me! Yes, you read that correctly ... they are too competitive for me!

I still feel a little guilty as I took them on a hike to a waterfall I know. Actually, it is a series of waterfalls but it is not necessarily an easy hike. I forgot the uphill climbs and the stream crossings and the narrow ledge ... so, we went on a "short hike to a local waterfall".

To make matters worse, it has been dry here lately and the waterfall was only 18 inches wide and slowly dropping off a cliff into a pool of water.

They enjoyed a "Where's Waldo" moment in the Banyan tree.

It seemed like everyone got hurt. Krista sprained her ankle multiple times and she sprained it hard. Amanda got cut by a bush and Laura had a trickle of blood running down her arm. Fortunately, she couldn't see it. Laura scraped her leg pretty good. Despite the falls, the trips, the scrapes and bruises, they were in good spirits getting there and getting out.

In the end, the bruises and cuts healed quickly with a little triple antibiotic and they were ready for their next adventure!

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